"" lenten rose: September 2010

Monday, September 13, 2010

Lenten Rose Almanac for September 2010

The end of the Lenten Rose perennial cycle is cross fading with the beginning of the Lenten Rose perennial cycle. The stalks of the current foliage are leggy. The leafs are leathery. The serrates are sharp and prickly. The whole plant yells 'seasoned veteran'. The hardy lush green Lenten Rose ground cover we have enjoyed all summer is still standing its' post in our favorite shade perennial garden; and the last thing it will do as it ends its 2010 journey is begin anew. That's what I'm starting to see in September. New growth.

The hellebore Orientalis, commonly known as our hero the Lenten Rose, like all hellebores, begin their perennial cycle with a foliage phase. This is what we're seeing in September. This new growth will mature in the near months ahead and live on through the year to become the same foliage we see now. The second phase of the Lenten Rose perennial cycle (our favorite) is the flowering phase. In a few more months flower stalks and their support foliage will appear and then, we're in the thick of the new years growth.

.......more to follow.

Happy Gardening